Singing Guide: You'll Never Get Rich
Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources
If you're looking to learn how to sing like Fred Astaire, then you're in for a treat. Fred Astaire was a true master of singing and dancing, and his unique vocal style is something that many aspiring singers are eager to replicate. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Fred Astaire's signature vocal techniques and provide some practical advice to help you sing like him. We'll also highlight some of the best Singing Carrots resources for learning how to improve your singing skills.
One of the first things you need to do in order to sing like Fred Astaire is to work on your breath control. Astaire had an incredible ability to sustain long notes and phrases effortlessly, and this is largely due to his exceptional breath support. Singing Carrots has a great article about breath support that can help you improve in this area. Additionally, Singing Carrots has a number of resources available, such as the Pitch Training educational singing game which can help you work on your breath control.
Another important technique that you'll need to master if you want to sing like Fred Astaire is phrasing. Astaire often sang like he was dancing, with his phrasing following the rhythms and beats of the music. Singing Carrots has a great article about how to learn a song effectively that can help you with this. In addition, the educational Singing Course provides a comprehensive and practical guide on how to do song phrasing effectively.
When it comes to vocal tone, Fred Astaire was known for his smooth, mellow sound. To achieve this sound you should focus on singing in full voice and avoid whispering. In addition, Astaire often sang in a slightly nasal style as it adds a unique element to his singing style. Singing Carrots has a great article about vocal health that can help you improve your vocal tone. Additionally, the Vocal Pitch Monitor tool can be used to monitor and adjust your nasality while singing.
Finally, to really master singing in the Fred Astaire style, you'll want to work on your "crooning" technique. This is a unique style of singing that involves slightly elongating vowels, and it was one of Astaire's trademarks. Singing Carrots has numerous articles and exercises available that can help you develop this crooning style effectively.
In conclusion, singing like Fred Astaire requires a combination of excellent breath control, solid phrasing, smooth tone, and an effective crooning technique. By working on these techniques, studying the songs of Fred Astaire, and using Singing Carrots resources available such as Pitch Training, you can develop a vocal style that is unique and captivating.